Established in 1984, Irrigation Management Division (IMD) implements Integrated Management of Agricultural Settlements (INMAS) Program along with Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) approach in 54 major irrigation areas (MIAs), each consisting of more than 400 ha command area under inter-provincial irrigation systems. The vision of this approach is to develop a self-reliant irrigated-farming community for self-management of the irrigation resource. It is expected to achieve a sustainable economic development of farm families through implementing the said approaches and enhancing productivity of unit of irrigation water by promoting participation and contribution of farmer organizations (FO), Government and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and Private Sector (PS).
Primary responsibility of this Division is to enhance living conditions of farming community in major irrigation schemes through establishment and strengthening of farmer-based institutions with the objectives of improving management and productivity of major irrigation schemes, improving operation and maintenance of irrigation sub-system, and facilitating and creating enabling environment for increased agricultural production and productivity.
(A)Progress of programs implemented in 2016
- Strengthening and empowering Farmer Organizations (FO)
1.1) This Division has established 874 FOs in 54 Major Irrigation Area under its purview and facilitated and guided them to adopt good governance practices through the following activities.
Activity | Unit | Target | Progress | % | |
1 | Preparation of FO final accounts | No | 864 | 760 | 88 |
2 | Updating of FO accounts | No | 874 | 783 | 90 |
3 | Facilitating auditing of FO accounts | No | 834 | 559 | 67 |
4 | Conducting FO elections | No | 253 | 204 | 81 |
5 | Conducting FO Annual General Meetings | No | 927 | 952 | 103 |
6 | Conducting FO monthly committee meetings | No | 6,192 | 4,396 | 71 |
7 | Updating FO membership register | No | 616 | 450 | 73 |
8 | Introducing amended constitution and systems and procedures for FOs and ensure their adoption | No | 474 | 315 | 66 |
9 | Establishing Subject Committees in FOs | No | 35 | 13 | 37 |
10 | Increasing FO Fund | No | 18,162 | 23,964 | 132 |
11 | Facilitating registration of System Level FOs under Agrarian Services Act No. 46 of 2000 | No | 23 | 6 | 26 |
![]() Annual General Meeting of an FO Padaviya Scheme |
![]() Annual General Meeting of an FO Maha Kanadarawa Scheme |
![]() Inspection of FO Accounts Muthukandiya Scheme |
![]() Executive Committee meeting of an Padaviya Scheme |
1.2) This Division conducted training programs for FO Leaders on the following aspects in order to strengthen participatory management process and ensure adoption of good governance procedures in FOs.
Training program | Target
(No. of persons) |
(No. of persons) |
% |
Financial management | 1,800 | 1,128 | 63 |
Improving leadership qualities | 320 | 126 | 40 |
Introducing Constitution Amendments and Systems and Procedures | 400 | 158 | 40 |
Income management | 160 | 40 | 25 |
Training on Internal Auditing | 70 | 35 | 50 |
Strengthening FOs | 390 | 296 | 76 |
Total | 3,140 | 1,783 | 57 |
![]() Financial Management training Minneriya Scheme |
![]() Financial Management training – Batalagoda Scheme |
![]() Awareness program on Systems and Procedures – Rajangana Scheme |
![]() Income management training – Maha Kanadarawa Scheme |
1.3) This Division facilitated the timely conduct of Pre-Seasonal Meetings and Seasonal (Kanna) Meetings in order to ensure timely availability of input supply including irrigation water in major irrigation schemes under its purview. Also, the monthly Project Management Committee meetings were held regularly with the participation of relevant stakeholders and FO representatives to monitor and review the progress of decisions arrived at the Seasonal Meetings and implement steps required to improve the efficiency of irrigation management.
Type of Meeting | Unit | Target | Achievement | % |
Project Management Committee | No | 269 | 272 | 101 |
Pre seasonal meetings | No | 74 | 74 | 100 |
Seasonal meetings | No | 51 | 51 | 100 |
Project Management Committee meeting – Inginimitiya Scheme |
![]() Project Management Committee meeting -Rajangana Scheme |
![]() Seasonal (Kanna) meeting – Rajangana Scheme |
![]() Seasonal (Kanna) meeting – Maha Kandarawa Scheme |
1.4) IMD conducted awareness programs for 5920 farmers and FO leaders on the ill-effects of narcotics in order to distract the vulnerable population from using them and create an environment for a healthy community within major irrigation areas.
![]() Awareness on prevention of narcotic drug use Batalagoda Scheme |
Awareness on prevention of narcotic drug use – Maha Kanadarawa Scheme |
1.5) A farmer Seminar was conducted on the instructions of Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Management, Hon. Vijith Wijayamuni de Soysa and with the guidance and contribution of Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources Management, IMD and Irrigation Department. This was organized by the National Integrated Farmer Organization and participated by more than 6000 farmers and chaired by H.E. Maithreepala Sirisena, the President of Sri Lanka.
Farmer Conference at Bandaranaike Conference Hall on 2016.04.16
2. Improving Participatory Maintenance and Water Management (PMWM) of irrigation sub-system
Operation and maintenance (O&M) of irrigation sub-system consisting of Distributory Canals (DC) and Field Canals (FC) of 54 Major Irrigation Areas coming under the purview of IMD are turned over for FOs as self-managed systems. This division is responsible for guiding and directing FOs to undertake this task in a qualitative manner and also to improve the capacity of FOs to handle such tasks.
2.1 ) The following Table indicates the contribution by FOs in O & M of irrigation sub system under the guidance of IMD.
Activity | Target
Rs. ‘000 |
Rs. ‘000 |
% |
Trimming grass on sides of DCs, FCs and canal roads | 50,600 | 32,564 | 64 |
Maintenance of irrigation structures and canals | 9,153 | 5,224 | 57 |
Maintenance of farm roads | 14,316 | 8,454 | 59 |
Maintenance of drainage canals | 5,780 | 3,909 | 67 |
Shrama Dana for jungle clearing, desilting and other works* | 29,167 | 29,458 | 101 |
Total | 109,016 | 79,609 | 73 |
* 01 Man Day is estimated Rs. 600/=
A canal with regular maintenance Rajangana Scheme |
A canal with regular maintenance Minipe Scheme |
Maintenance of agricultural roads Ridiyagama Scheme |
![]() Awareness before Shramadana Maha Kandarawa Scheme |
![]() Distributory canal maintenance by Dewahuwa Scheme |
![]() Distributory canal maintenance by Shramadana Maha Kanadarawa Scheme |
2.2)The following work was conducted to improve the participatory maintenance and water management program of irrigation sub-system.
Activity | Unit | Target | Achievement | % |
Preparation of plans for regular maintenance programs by FOs | No | 204 | 137 | 67 |
Updating of plans on regular maintenance program | No | 277 | 225 | 81 |
Demarcating and protection of reservation boundaries | No | 626 | 447 | 71 |
Increasing O&M fund | No | 48,612 | 34,360 | 71 |
Erection of Notice Boards | No | 260 | 131 | 50 |
Facilitating and assisting to conduct rituals, beliefs and offerings associated with irrigated agriculture | No | 208 | 157 | 75 |
![]() Demarcating Reservations Ridee bendi Ela Scheme |
![]() Demarcating Reservations Rideeyagama i Scheme |
Milk spilling (kiri ithiraweema) festival Inginimitiya Scheme |
Offering for gods (Dewa Daanaya) Dewahuwa Scheme |
2.3 ) IMD conducted awareness and training programs as follows to improve the knowledge and capacity of farmers and FO leaders on participatory maintenance and water management.
Training and awareness program | Target
(No. of persons) |
(No. of persons) |
% |
Regular maintenance | 1,365 | 610 | 45 |
Water management | 630 | 345 | 55 |
Reservation protection and maintenance | 350 | 223 | 64 |
Legal empowerment | 210 | 122 | 58 |
Training for FO water masters | 175 | 109 | 62 |
Total | 2,730 | 1,409 | 52 |
2.4) A pilot project has been initiated by the Taranagolla FO of Ridee bendi Ela Irrigation Scheme to cultivate medicinal plants such as Nika and Pavatta on irrigation canal reservations with the objective of promoting cultivation of indigenous medicinal plants while protecting canal reservations. It is planned to expand this program to be entire Project area.
![]() Cultivating medicinal plants in irrigation reservation Ridee Bendi Ela Scheme |
![]() Cultivating medicinal plants in irrigation reservati Ridee Bendi Ela Schemeon |
2. 5) The following programs were conducted in major irrigation areas to commemorate the World Water day falling on March 21st, every year.
Program | Unit | Total |
Awareness for FO leaders | No of persons | 566 |
Awareness for farmers | No of persons | 1,213 |
Awareness for school children | No of persons | 3,969 |
Conducting art/essay/debating competitions among school children | No of persons | 430 |
Conducting Shrama Dana | Man days | 7,318 |
![]() Awareness walk in commemoration of World Water Day – Muruthawela Scheme |
![]() Awareness walk in commemoration of World Water Day Muruthawela Scheme |
2.6 Farmers were guided to undertake land preparation with initial rainfall of the season in 21,532 ha in order to enhance the water productivity. They were guided and facilitated to prepare Irrigation Schedule for the DCs and FCs and distribute water accordingly.
3. Increasing agricultural production and productivity
3.1) The following Table indicates the agricultural production and productivity of 54 major irrigation areas under integrated and participatory irrigation management approach, coordinated, guided and facilitated by IMD.
Description | Unit | 2015/16 Maha | 2016 Yala | 2016 Total |
Extent cultivated with paddy | Ha | 152,384 | 126,236 | 278,620 |
Extent under Other Field Crops | Ha | 1,959 | 10,288 | 12,247 |
Extent under Perennial crops (banana, sugarcane) | Ha | 4,236 | 4,236 | 4,236 |
Total extent cultivated | Ha | 158,579 | 140,760 | 299,339 |
Cropping Intensity % | % | 182 | ||
Total paddy production | Mil.tons | 0.73 | 0.57 | 1.33 |
Total value of paddy | Mil. Rs. | 25,600 | 22,721 | 48,321 |
Total value of OFCs and vegetables | Mil. Rs | 519 | 2,464 | 2,983 |
Total value of Perennial crop production | Mil. Rs. | 2,275 | ||
Total value of paddy, OFCs, vegetables and perennial crops | Mil. Rs. | 53,579 |
3.2 ) IMD coordinated to promote Paddy Seedling Broadcast method (Parachute method) in 524 ha with the aim of reducing the use of weedicides and increasing paddy yield. Also, Mechanized
Transplanting was conducted in 27 ha. In addition, IMD coordinated and guided an application of Organic Fertilizer in 7272 ha of paddy cultivation.
![]() Use of seedling broadcast method Dambarawa Scheme |
![]() Mechanized transplanting of paddy Inginimitiya Scheme |
3.3 ) IMD facilitated and guided to produce 8650 kg of Large Onion bulbs to produce 500 kg. of Large Onion seed at Dewahuwa Scheme as a solution for shortage of onion seed. The value of the seed stock was approximately Rs.M. 7.0.
![]() Transplanting Large Onion seedlings Dewahuwa Scheme |
![]() Large onion crop – Dewahuwa Scheme |
3.4) IMD facilitated Forward Sales Contracts (FSC) between farmers and purchasing companies to enable the producers to obtain a reasonable price for their products. Accordingly, 1680 and 530 FSCs were signed for 1365 ha of Soya and 520 ha of Maize respectively in Huruluwewa, Nachchaduwa and Nuwara wewa schemes.
![]() Soya cultivation – Nachchaduwa Scheme |
![]() Soya cultivation closer to harvesting stage – Hurulu wewa Scheme |
3.5) With the objective of developing the upland homestead and enabling income generation from it, IMD embarked on a program to cultivate 41 acs (16 ha) of Improved Mango variety, namely Tom EJC with 164 farmers in Kirindi oya (Lunugamwehera) Scheme. The plantation is around 2.5 years of age, and have reached the bearing stage.
3.6) With the intention of encouraging toxin free agriculture, IMD initiated a program for organic fertilizer production with the participation of farmers and FOs and with the technical guidance of Department of Agriculture. The first of these programs was started with 14 farmers at Ethdathgala FO of Weli Oya Scheme. Also, 70 farmers of Pragathi FO of Ridiyagama Scheme had started organic fertilizer production in bulk.
Manufacturing of compost fertilizer Ridiyagama Scheme |
Manufacturing of compost fertilizer Weli Oya Scheme |
3.7 ) IMD coordinated and facilitated cultivation of 175 ac. of rice variety, Bg MA2 in 2016 Yala at Inginimitiya scheme as an approach for value-addition of rice. This variety is used for biscuit manufacturing and already FSCs were signed to purchase at Rs.38/= per kg. In addition, a program is initiated to sustain this program by implementing a seed paddy production program of this variety in 5 acs.
3.8 ) IMD facilitated and guided to expand livestock production in Kirindi Oya, Nuwara wewa, Dewahuwa and Rajanganaya MIAs by increasing the milk production and thereby increase the farm family income as follows.
Program | Unit | Total | |
Facilitating distribution of dairy cattle | No | 29 | |
Facilitating construction of cow sheds | No | 27 | |
Facilitating cultivation and expansion of CO3 pasture | No | 7 |
3.9 ) A field day was conducted at Ridee Bendi Ela Scheme with the participation of all stakeholders to review the progress of the programs implemented by IMD in major irrigation schemes for 2015.
3.10 ) With the objective of promoting river bank conservation, 1000 bamboo plants were planted on the banks of Kala Oya under the coordination of Rajangana RPM’s office.
Cultivating bamboo plants at Rajanagana Scheme
3.11) IMD facilitated and coordinated the planting of 1427 Mango plants, 612 Orange plants, 5980 Coconut plants and 220 Pomegranate plants for improvement of homesteads.
3.11) IMD facilitated and coordinated planting of 159 ha of Banana, 65 ha of Papaw and 29 ha of Cashew on rainfed uplands as an approach for increasing income of farm families.
3.12) Awareness programs were conducted for 65 farmers on Mitigation and adoption to effects of Climate Change with the collaboration of Sri Lanka National Water Partnership.
3.13) IMD conducted awareness and training programs to improve knowledge and skills of farmers for increasing crop productivity.
3.14 ) IMD conducted awareness and training programs to improve knowledge and skills of farmers for increasing crop productivity.
Training and awareness program | Target
(No. of persons) |
(No. of persons) |
% |
1 | Exchange of field experiences | 1870 | 666 | 35 |
2 | Seedling broadcasting technology | 590 | 304 | 51 |
3 | Post-harvest technology | 300 | 103 | 34 |
4 | Animal husbandry | 169 | 143 | 85 |
5 | Expansion of OFC cultivation | 1800 | 1762 | 98 |
6 | Production and use of organic fertilizer | 715 | 483 | 68 |
7 | On-farm water management | 455 | 115 | 25 |
8 | Promotion of perennial crops cultivation | 1500 | 1545 | 103 |
9 | Production of dairy products | 450 | 508 | 113 |
10 | Other awareness and training | 1540 | 545 | 35 |
Total | 9389 | 6174 | 66 |
Awareness on other field crops- Rajanganaya Scheme |
Awareness on other field crops- Devahuwa Scheme |
4 . Capacity building of officers
4.1 ) The following programs were conducted to improve the capacity of the officers in this Division.
programme | No. participated |
Induction and leadership training | 148 |
One year post-graduate diploma – Kelaniya University | 2 |
Correct observation of traffic rules and effective servicing as a driver | 36 |
Use of data and information exchange through E-technology | 34 |
Training of trainers | 32 |
The above training on Induction and Leadership were conducted with a specialist Resource Person for all the officers in the field as well as in the Head Office.
Workshop on Training of Trainers at Mahaweli Training Institute
Awareness for drivers on road rules Rathanapitiya Rural Development Training Institute |
Awareness on E-technology SLIDA, Colombo |
5. Conducting Progress Review meetings
A workshop was conducted at National Institute of Plantation Management, Athurugiriya, to review the progress of the 2016 Implementation Program and the procedure of expenditure of the budget provisions under Zero Budget Concept for officers on the 8th and 9th, February, 2016.
Progress Review Meeting at NIPM, Athurugiriya
6. Special programmes
6.1) Conducted 02 training programs for 131 youths of Polonnaruwa Dstrict to instill attitudinal changes in order to direct the younger generation to agriculture.
Pulathisi Udana Workshop, Kundasale Training Institute
6.2 ) IMD facilitated and coordinated the participation of farming community in Social Security Program implemented by Dam Safety Project of Mahaweli and Environment Ministry, in Maha Kanadarawa and Maha Wilachchiya Schemes. A contribution of 67,359 Man days extended in maintenance of DCs and FCs under this program.
![]() Distributory Canal maintained by sharamadana under Social Security Program of Dam Safety Project – Maha Wilacchchiya Scheme Minneriya Scheme |
Distributory Canal maintained by sharamadana under Social Security Program of Dam Safety Project – Maha Kanadarawa Scheme |
7 . Arranging solutions for public grievances and complains
Arranging solutions for the public grievances and complains received at Head Office as well as at the RPM offices is as follows.
- No. of public grievances and complains received – 2225
- No. given solutions – 2132
- Percentage given solutions – 95%
8 . Programmes planned for 2017
IMD expects to implement the following programs covering relevant subjects during 2017.
- Facilitate and guide to cultivate 20,000 ha of OFCs during 2017 Yala season and 10,000 ha of short term crops during 3rd Season in Irrigation schemes implementing INMAS approach, in order to support the Domestic Food Security program
- Coordinate, guide and facilitate to promote cultivation of crops having export potential with the aim of increasing farm family income
- Conduct a competition to elect the best FO with the objective of appreciating their service for the irrigation sector and promote active participation in irrigation management further
- Assist in production of high quality seed required for cultivation of OFCs
- Organize programs to enhance farm family income levels with the active contribution of FOs
- Create environment for improving relationships among FOs, Government and Non-Governmental Organizations and Intellectual groups
- Implement a formal and regular program to collect and dispose agro-chemical containers and plastic material for environmental conservation with the participation of relevant stakeholders
- Promote FOs to cultivate medicinal plants on irrigation reservations
- Conduct awareness programs for farm family members on eliminating alcohol and narcotic drug menace
- Organize programs with the coordination of relevant stakeholders on the awareness and prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology (CKDu)
- Implement programs to cultivate bamboo plants along stream banks as a measure of soil conservation
- Implement programs to enhance the active participation of women and school children in irrigation management
- Introduce, facilitate and guide to FOs to implement programs to utilize the FO Funds to improve the farm family income
- Establish a forum, `WARI MITHURO’ (Friends of Irrigation) for protection, maintenance and ensure sustainability of irrigation systems with the integration of all stakeholders (water users, school children, communities) having affinity to irrigation sector
- Promote FOs to produce and use organic fertilizer with the technical guidance of Department of Agriculture
- Coordinate to implement training programs to promote integrated approach by field level officers of Agriculture-related State Agencies and work as a Team to enhance the productivity of irrigation schemes
- Facilitate and guide to popularize cultural events and items related to irrigated agricuture